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The Muse

April 23, 2006

Of Tags and Tagees

This has been tag week or tag fortnight. So I'm just linking stuff for those want to read my responses. Basically, I think tags help people get to know people they would like to get to know a little better [as if I've done 68 tags, but still].
  1. I did Maya's (because I'm scared of Doctors) here.
  2. MC's is here (hey, even if it was typo, he called me a great writer so of course I'm going to do it.)
  3. Ponnarasi writes stuff I relate to very easily, and here is her tag on ma three superpowers.
  4. Raz, simple and very straightforward, caught me with a tag on life's 10 pleasures here.
So far, Sattvic has been my lone tagee.

April 11, 2006

A Profound Thought...

Had to share this with you:

"We must do what we conceive to be the right thing and not bother our heads or burden our souls with whether we will be successful. Because if we don’t do the right thing, we will be doing the wrong thing and we will just be a part of the disease and not a part of the cure"

E.F. Schumacher (1911 - 1977)

More on Schumacher here and the E.F. Schumacher Society here

Credits: Obtained via Atanu via Myke

April 05, 2006

Premji on Wipro's Future

As the Indian economy grows, one of the key challenges will be how our companies manage to transition from the current service oriented model towards the product or developmental model. Basically, we don't just manage testing, maintenance and low-level development, but take the lead in innovation and the design of next generation services and products.

Azim Premji [fact: Premji quit during his final semester at Stanford to take over Wipro at age 21, sometime during the 1960's. He came back after 35 years, presented his dissertation and got his degree in the late 90's] and Ravi Aron [Assistant Professor of Operations and Information Management at Wharton, UPenn] are having a fascinating conversation, where Premji reveals some of the key strategic goals of Wipro and what his thoughts are on the future. His take is important and illustrative, as many of the challenges Wipro faces are equally applicable to Infosys, TCS, CTS and the others.

Some excerpts:

"...Moreover, the business we do now is evolving to models where we take turnkey responsibility for deliverables such as the design of end products -- next generation products. We don't just make subsystems for customers or work as part of a project team. We are also trying to build similar skills in some of our other businesses. We use the competencies developed in practices like technology infrastructure as well as in enterprise platform implementation to differentiate ourselves from others.

...Turnkey projects allow us to set Wipro apart because very few companies have the depth of knowledge to be able to tackle such work, whereas in projects such as billing software, we are exposed to much wider competition. Another thing that makes us unique is that we started our company designing hardware for the Indian market after imports were banned in 1980. That is how we built the competency platform which we transitioned into serving the global customer.

...You don't demolish a cash-cow business. You just simultaneously try to build the business of tomorrow, which really differentiates you.

...The mundane business is also extremely profitable. It has a tremendous annuity value, and you don't ignore businesses like that. For example, maintenance of software and hardware are tremendous annuity businesses. If you build strong efficiencies into execution, they make very good margins. It is like a yin-and-yang situation: How do you build these strong annuity businesses and at the same time build other businesses that will establish certain differentiators in the marketplace, so that your image as a partner takes on a different dimension? That is the question..."

You can directly link to the whole interview here. This is through Knowledge@Wharton, the Wharton school's online and free business journal.

What do you think of this interview? More to follow.

April 04, 2006

She is smiling

Will you smile?

The night is dark, the wind is howling
The curtains blow, the rain starts drizzling
What should I do? Should I believe?
Is this life? Is this love?

I sit in a corner, I am waiting
My heart is restless, I am searching
I think of days past, I hear your laughter
I think of tomorrow, Its just tears and rain

Memories come flooding
With pain my heart’s searing
Why did you leave? What did I do?
I have everything, I have nothing

The rain stops, my heart pauses
Time stops, and the wait is haunting
The tears start to flow
My heart is letting go

I look up, I see you looking down
I see you, I feel your touch
I know you’re near
Are you smiling?